Thursday, 25 August 2011

Welcome To Redemption Rock


  1. Barbershop
  2. Blacksmith
  3. Bradley & Co.
  4. Church
  5. Painted Lady Saloon
  6. Dale House
  7. Doctors Office
  8. Feed Store
  9. First Bank of Redemption
  10. Redemption Gazette
  11. Gentry’s Hardware
  12. Holly’s Boarding House
  13. Jennings’ House
  14. Lawyer’s Office
  15. Redemption Theater
  16. Lowell House
  17. Marks House
  18. Mayors office & House
  19. Overland Freight Co.
  20. Parsonage
  21. School
  22. Sheriff’s Office
  23. Shoes
  24. Stables
  25. Stagecoach Stop
  26. Telegraph Office
  27. Undertaker
  28. Wilson House
  29. Wilson’s Clothes


So we are still trying to make the map much larger as the town has boomed, and theres been a flood of about 400 new residents, so I think about 3 times the size.


  1. Great map - did you do this yourself?

  2. Erm no mike, I borrowed it, but it was put on the paper effect by a ex friend, need to make the map bigger.
